Volunteer Opportunities
Join a committee!
Members can volunteer in a variety of ways within CFMA. This is a great way for you to get to know other members of the association. Time commitments vary by committee, but most meet once a month or quarter for about an hour.
CFMA Day: Annual event designed to provide educational and networking opportunities tailored to financial aspects of the construction industry.
Communications: This provides the overall branding and communications for the TC CFMA Chapter.
Education: Create educational programming that adds value to our membership.
Golf Committee: The Annual Golf outing is one of our larger events and focused on fundraising for Scholarships
Membership: A key part of the TC CFMA chapter, the membership group works with both new members and existing members.
Programs: This group creates networking activities driven by the needs and wants of our membership.
Scholarship: This committee selects the Scholarship recipients each year.